Hannah Chan embraces the expression of beauty with fluid brushstrokes orchestrated by elegant silhouettes.

The artist comes from a culturally rich background, having grown up in Hong Kong, with roots in Australia, and currently residing in the US. She speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, and most importantly, the language of line and tone. Educated in Illustration with a Bachelor's degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a Master’s Degree from the University of Hartford, Hannah highly values learning.

The artist’s background in ballet allows her to articulate the power of movement in figures and fabrics, translating the language of dance to the dialect of color and line. The human figure is her most prominent subject, as she finds alluring moments of charm about the individual.

Hannah’s fresh drawings have suited well in collaboration with the markets of fashion, editorial, interior design, advertising, theater posters, and live events.
Select clients include: Jamie Beckwith Collection, Canali, Los Gatos Ballet, Modiste, Xcel Talent Agency, MOJO, Savannah Arts Academy, Jezebel Magazine, and Para Llevar Magazine.

Jamie Beckwith’s INGRESSO Collection: Product X Illustration X Photography

Hannah is proudly represented by

Lemonade Illustration Agency.